martes, 22 de noviembre de 2022


 Actually, at my first semester of my second year of dentistry at Universidad de Chile, I can say the curriculum of my career have many subjects that I don't like, especially those that are most related to the humanistic area, that subjects take my study time, which I could dedicate to other subjects (this is just my opinion from my point of view, and my reason is that I don't like this area).

Related to the workload and length of studies, some subjects have an elevated grade of complexity and workload, but I'm not saying that is impossible to study, just have to dedicate more study time in comparison to other subjects. Also, I think the length of this career is correct, because we will work with the health of the people and this is one of the reasons I need to know everything very well and bring to the people the best treatment for their oral health problems.
About the infrastructure, I think this is limited, because we don't have all the things that the dentistry student need in his learning and practice process. Examples are the few green areas and the little use of technology at preclinical where the head models, where we put the typodont, are too much old, and usually they don't work well.
Finally, related to the teaching methods I think the most part are correct, because we are in a context of hybrid studies where I think it's difficult for both parts, the teacher and the student, for to be able to adapt to the new conditions of the pandemic.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2022

Time travel to the past or future

 Hello! One more blog. If I had the wonderful opportunity to travel in time, it would be to return to the past, you will wonder why and that is that I had the opportunity to meet very good people for this world and I did not know how to value it, a couple of those people it is no longer possible to see them again since there were circumstances that made them no longer on earth and now (as my mom says) they protect us from heaven,  If I just had the opportunity once again to hug them and say thank you for what you did for me, I would be more than happy. But I would not stay, because I know that past is what made me the person I am today, it helped me develop the personality I have and appreciate the time that has passed, the trip to the past would remain only as one more memory, a memory that I would like to be real. We must bear in mind that this dream that more than one person has is not yet possible and therefore we must appreciate the present as a gift with the people we love and not regret not having given enough affection. Perhaps one day in the future enough technology will be achieved to achieve time travel. Bye have a good day.


  Actually, at my first semester of my second year of dentistry at Universidad de Chile, I can say the curriculum of my career have many sub...