Actually, at my first semester of my second year of dentistry at Universidad de Chile, I can say the curriculum of my career have many subjects that I don't like, especially those that are most related to the humanistic area, that subjects take my study time, which I could dedicate to other subjects (this is just my opinion from my point of view, and my reason is that I don't like this area).
Rocieblue´s blog
martes, 22 de noviembre de 2022
lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2022
Time travel to the past or future
Hello! One more blog. If I had the wonderful opportunity to travel in time, it would be to return to the past, you will wonder why and that is that I had the opportunity to meet very good people for this world and I did not know how to value it, a couple of those people it is no longer possible to see them again since there were circumstances that made them no longer on earth and now (as my mom says) they protect us from heaven, If I just had the opportunity once again to hug them and say thank you for what you did for me, I would be more than happy. But I would not stay, because I know that past is what made me the person I am today, it helped me develop the personality I have and appreciate the time that has passed, the trip to the past would remain only as one more memory, a memory that I would like to be real. We must bear in mind that this dream that more than one person has is not yet possible and therefore we must appreciate the present as a gift with the people we love and not regret not having given enough affection. Perhaps one day in the future enough technology will be achieved to achieve time travel. Bye have a good day.
jueves, 13 de octubre de 2022
lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2022
lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2022
A Country I would like to visit
Hello!, I
must be honest and The truth is that I have never traveled outside my native
Chile, less I have gotten on a plane, although if I could I would. I would love
to know as many countries as possible, especially those that are characterized
by their varied and eccentric traditions
There is
one country in particular that catches my attention since my childhood, where I
saw my first anime programs like "sailor Moon" and "Dragon
Ball" that country is Japan. I would like to know in person their
technological advances, the robots they have designed, their varied and
colorful culture, the language, the architecture of their temples and houses,
but above all I would love to be able to taste their culinary arts right there,
my favorite foods, such as miso ramen and the famous sushi, the way they
prepare it, the right way to eat them. I hope one day to have the opportunity
to travel and get to know what I dreamed of in. Have a good day.
sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2021
A subject you´ve enjoyed studying this semester
I must admit that the subject that I liked
the most was “skill development and self-care for professional practice.” This
subject made my love for dentistry even more than before. I faced challenges
that I never imagined especially with myself, I have improved my patience and
the way I deal with frustration, helping me to improve and progress over time.
"Skills" in a more abbreviated way, is in charge of showing the
practical work of a Professional dentist from the first year in which the
career is studied, managing to be related to the work that we will do as
dentists in the future. Here I was able to know materials, such as resins,
alginate and their respective preparations and also the necessary instruments
for each of the procedures that are carried out with each material and then
with the patients, the most important instruments in my opinion are the
micromotor and the turbine.
I learned things like the restoration of a
dental piece, make biological preparations in the practical ones that they did
to us; I was also able to improve my ergonomics and both fine and gross motor
skills. This type of subject allows us as students to have a much more direct
proximity with respect to the work that we will do as dentists and also allows
each of us to realize if this is really what we like and want to study.
Carrer-related website or an expert on your field
In this career I think that a person has to be very selective with the websites because in many cases the websites has bad information or show a information poorly explained and little retailer. For this the websites that I use more are the websites that show you information based on experience, like Scielo are acronym for Scientific Electronic Library Online. This websites has a motor of search where you can find almost all what you need know about diseases and relevant investigations about this diseases and other interesting topics related to the health ambit. I visit this website almost always when I study subjects like Anatomia, Bases Biologicas or Destrezas, most of the time I visit this website unintentionally, I only search what I need in Google and the motor show me this website and when I see that scielo has the information I know that i can keep calm because I found what I needed. This is my favourite website because here the information is very trustworthy and is a window for the new investigators that hasn´t a magazine or a institution for show it investigations.
Actually, at my first semester of my second year of dentistry at Universidad de Chile, I can say the curriculum of my career have many sub...